Lido Open 2022

The Lido Open 22

12 Oct 2022 – 30 Oct 2022

Of the 25 selected artists in this year’s open, only two have previously exhibited with The Lido Stores. This exhibition represents a fresh influx of talent for the gallery and Margate’s burgeoning creative community. On this year’s Open, Healy said:

“The quality and quantity of applicants for the open calls has amazed us. We are very impressed with the talent the gallery is attracting. Lots of the applicants heard about us through word of mouth. 

This year’s guest judge is Margate and London based artist Anne Ryan (Hastings Contemporary, Turner Contemporary, London School in Rome, Green Grassi). On being a guest judge, Ryan said:

“It was a pleasure to be part of The Lido Stores and help choose work for the second Lido Open. I love the story of the shop and its place in Margate history. It's always interesting to visit and see it working hard to make a real connection with the art and design community of Thanet.

The work submitted was of a very good standard, and it was great to see a broad range of painting coming from far and near. We primarily chose the work that we thought would sit well together in the gallery space to create a narrative of contemporary painting's rich diversity and its enduring strangeness.”


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